30 kA Icu at 660/690 V AC 50/60 Hz conforming to IEC 60947-2 50 kA Icu at 380/415 V AC 50/60 Hz conforming to IEC 60947-2 50 kA Icu at 440 V AC 50/60 Hz conforming to IEC 60947-2 85 kA Icu at 220/240 V AC 50/60 Hz conforming to IEC 60947-2 40 kA Icu at 500/525 V AC 50/60 Hz conforming to IEC 60947-2
Performance level
N 50 kA 415 V AC
Trip unit name
MicroLogic 2.0
Trip unit technology
Trip unit protection functions
control type
Rotary handle Toggle
Circuit breaker mounting mode
[Ui] rated insulation voltage
800 V AC 50/60 Hz conforming to IEC 60947-2
[Uimp] rated impulse withstand voltage
8 kV conforming to IEC 60947-2
[Ics] rated service short-circuit breaking capacity
30 kA at 660/690 V AC 50/60 Hz conforming to IEC 60947-2 40 kA at 500/525 V AC 50/60 Hz conforming to IEC 60947-2 50 kA at 220/240 V AC 50/60 Hz conforming to IEC 60947-2 50 kA at 380/415 V AC 50/60 Hz conforming to IEC 60947-2 50 kA at 440 V AC 50/60 Hz conforming to IEC 60947-2
[Icw] rated short-time withstand current
19.2 kA 1 s conforming to IEC 60947-2
Mechanical durability
10000 cycles
Electrical durability
2000 cycles at 690 V In 4000 cycles at 690 V In/2 5000 cycles at 440 V In 6000 cycles at 440 V In/2
Power losses
15 W
mounting support
Upside connection
downside connection
Connection pitch
70 mm
Protection type
L : for overload protection (long time) I : for instantaneous short-circuit protection
Trip unit rating
800 A at 50 °C
Long-time pick-up adjustment type Ir (thermal protection)
Adjustable 9 settings
[Ir] long-time protection pick-up adjustment range
0.4...1 x In
Long-time protection delay adjustment type tr
Adjustable 9 settings
[tr] long-time protection delay adjustment range
12.5…600 s at 1.5 x Ir 0.5…24 s at 6 x Ir 0.7…16.6 s at 7.2 x Ir
Thermal memory
20 mn
Instantaneous protection pick-up adjustment type Ii
[Ii] instantaneous protection pick-up adjustment range
1.5...10 x Ir
earth-leakage protection
Neutral protection settings
No protection (3D) 0.5 x Ir (3D + N/2) 1 x Ir (4D)
Zone selective interlocking ZSI
Auxiliary contact composition
Local signalling
4 LEDs (red) for fault indication 1 LED (yellow) for overload
Width (W)
280 mm
Height (H)
327 mm
Depth (D)
147 mm
Net weight
18 kg
EN/IEC 60947-2
product certifications
Pollution degree
3 conforming to IEC 60947
IP degree of protection
IP40 conforming to IEC 60529
IK degree of protection
IK07 conforming to EN 50102
Ambient air temperature for operation
-25…70 °C
Ambient air temperature for storage
-50…85 °C
Relative humidity
0…95 %
Operating altitude
0...2000 m without derating 2000 m...5000 m with derating
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